Accounting and payroll services

Ecovis Accounting was established in 1990 with its activities focused mainly on the provision of book-keeping and accounting services. We realized that continuing market changes and our clients’ demands call for more comprehensive services, so for us, “accounting” means more than the simple recording of invoices. We place great emphasis on keeping personal contact with our clients because a long-term, reliable professional relationship is our mutual interest.
Our services follow the entire history of a company from its founding to an incidental winding up. Apart from accounting we help in making the “first steps”, i.e. we are there if you wish to establish a company or select the best company form, and we closely liaise with the acting lawyers’ office, arrange and coordinate any amendments of your company’s deed of foundation, including the recording of data, compliance with tax and reporting obligations and the registration with various authorities. All our clients need to do is make up their minds and they can leave the rest to us.
Besides the provision of ongoing accounting services we provide our clients with up-to- date information, assist in taxation and tax-optimisation issues and also keep them informed of any tax legislation changes, their taxes paid and the financial results of their company. Our company supports its clients with efficient and professional assistance in liquidation, winding-up, transformation, spin-off or merger proceedings. Our experts render ongoing guidance to our clients in navigating the legislative maze.
Generally, our clients come from all areas of the economy; therefore we are not specialising in specific branches. We feel privileged to have had the opportunity to get acquainted with the peculiarities of several different industries and gather a deep and extensive knowledge in each. To name just a few examples, we have references in real estate transactions, industrial investments, development projects, IT, consulting, wholesale and retail sales, forwarding.
Our accounting software covers the full spectrum, including book-keeping, payroll management, tax returns, balance sheet reporting and their importing and publication so that they can be forwarded electronically to the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) and the Company Information and Electronic Company Registration Service of Hungary. We represent our clients in tax audits and help them liaise with the authorities as effectively as possible.