Ecovis Hungary Legal ranked #6 by BBJ
Ecovis Hungary Legal is ranked as the 6th largest law firm with international affiliation according to the latest ranking from Budapest Business Journal.
We jumped 3 spots from last year’s ranking of the 29 law firms. The report, mapping the legal market, was released in early June and it is annually compiled by experts on the basis of the headcount of lawyers.
As of May 1, the Berlin headquartered Ecovis group is preceded by renowned law firms having their seat in London; thus we are considered to be the largest law firm with roots in continental Europe.
Our office, operating with 32 attorneys and 14 trainees, has strengthened several of its business lines and launched new ones as well. You can find the opinion of our managing partner, Dr Péter Kesseő-Balogh about the key aspects of business development in a comprehensive interview made with the market leading firms in the topic.
We thank our clients for continuing to place their trust in Ecovis Hungary Legal which allowed us to make significant progress again in the past year.
The Special Report Legal Market has been published online as well: market overview is at page 20, ranking begins on page 32.
Budapest Business Journal is Hungary’s practical business bi-weekly since 1992.