A társasági adóbevallás beadása utáni hetekben még azokra a különlegesebb adóalapkorrekciós tételekre is jobban emlékszünk, amelyekre akár egész évben csak kevesebb figyelem jut. Az egyik ilyen, amelyiknek számítása kifejezetten a bevallási időszak teendői közé tartozik, az alultőkésítettség miatt esetlegesen el nem ismert kamatráfordítások számszerűsítése.
Bár sokak előtt ismert a szabály,... »
December 14, 2016
As of 2017 significant changes will be implemented in the Corporate Income Tax Act. These modifications and in addition, those important changes that came into force during 2016 newsletter are as follows:
new definition of royalty had been implemented and the rules of the tax base modifying items had been modified (July 2016);
transactions with the main purpose of gaining tax advantage... »
December 05, 2016
Hereby we list the most relevant modifications with respect to the administrative rules of taxation:
changes with respect to the status of the taxpayers (preferential taxpayers are provided further priviledges but econimically non-acitve companies can not qualify for the preferential status);
’supportive audit’ will be introduced, where the tax authority helps the taxpayer to correct... »
November 30, 2016
As from 2017 certain rules of local taxes, car tax and stamp duties will be modified. The newsletter lists the modifications:
local taxes
concept of IP was introduced corresponding to the corporate income tax modification;
restriction applied for tax base decreasing for related parties will be modified;
IFRS bookkeeping on tax base will be specified.
company car tax will... »
November 29, 2016
As from 2017 certain rules of Value Added Taxation will be modified. The newsletter lists the modifications:
extending the threshold for VAT exemption for SMEs,
extending the list of supplies of goods and services fall within the scope of reduced rate of 5% and 18%,
changes of invoicing rules, and
the rules to be applied for real estate transactions based on the EU Regulation... »
October 28, 2016
As of 13 October, 2016 modifications had been implemented in the EKAER decree. According to the new rules even if the total weight of vehicle non-subject to toll payment after load-in reaches 3,5 tons, EKAER reporting is only necessary if the gross weight of the non-risky goods exceed 2 500 kg or the total value of the non-risky goods without tax exceeds HUF 5 million.
Further change is that... »
September 20, 2016
The tax authority published on its EKAER website an interpretation about the EKAER number requirement for the public road transit with vehicles over 3,5 tons which are not subject to paying usage-proportional road toll.
Summary of the authority in Hungarian is available here.
If you are interested in the above topic please contact our experts at Ecovis Tax Solution who would be entirely at... »
August 30, 2016
The tax authority published on its website an interpretation about how to understand the concept of useful floor area in case of applying the discount (5%) tax rate during the purchase of specified real estates.
Full text of interpretation in Hungarian is available here.
If you are interested in the above topic please contact our experts at Ecovis Tax Solution who would be entirely... »
June 01, 2016
According to the council implementing regulation (EU) No 1042/2013 concept of immovable property will be introduced from 2017 in order to ensure a uniform tax treatment by Member States of supplies of services connected with immovable property.
Full text of Council in English is available here.
If you are interested in the above topic please contact our experts at Ecovis Tax Solution who... »
March 11, 2016
You can consult Dr. László Kelemen and Dr. Zoltán Pályi, the experts of Ecovis Tax Solution about the above topic during the conference organized by System Média (www.systemmedia.hu) on March 17, 2016 in the Hotel Hungaria City Center (1074 Budapest, Rákóczi út 90.).
If you are interested in the above topic or you would like to attend the conference, please contact our partners, Dr. László... »